Get Help

HOPE of Rock Hill provides food to those in need in the Rock Hill community. We also provide assistance for utilities and prescription drugs (no opoids).
If you or a loved one are in crisis, HOPE of Rock Hill is here to help.

Fighting hunger... one family at a time

Individuals requesting food from HOPE of Rock Hill are given a full week's worth of food based upon family size and the ages of family members. Special attention is given to make sure that a variety of food is provided based upon HOPE of Rock Hill's pantry.
HOPE of Rock Hill is open Monday-Thursday from 8:30 am-10:30 am. We see 30 families a day or until 10:30 am, whichever comes first. We typically have 30 signed up by 9:00 am.
Food Requests

If seeking financial assistance, please bring the following:
● Current South Carolina picture ID
● Social Security cards for all in the household, or any
government form with your SS#. (Ex: Tax return)
● Printed bank statement (Last 60 days)
● Current printed utility bill (Past due)